Its me

Monday, May 03, 2010

Why men dont ask for directions

Everytime I go for a drive with my better half or whenever there is a general discussion of the driving habits of men, one topic which always comes up is --Why cant men ask for directions?
And its not just related to men in a particular region, its a global phenomenon. All across the world men try not to ask for directions until they are well and truly lost and in most such cases there isn't anyone who they can go to and ask for directions. Why does this happen? Is out DNA hardcoded with this kind of behavior? If so, how did it begin?

I have a theory regarding this.
See, a very very long time back someone discovered that there are Ten Commandments and they were passed on from one to another until now. I did some research myself (for about 2.5 minutes)
and came up with an alternate theory. What if there wernt Ten Commandments ? What if there were eleven? We all know that the "zero" was invented in India, so whenever someone counted the number of commandments they just went as far as they fit on the fingers, which is Ten.
The Indians would have been able to count the extra one - 0 to 10 so I believe thats where
one of the commandments got lost. And which one would that be, you might ask.

Well Sherlock, it has to be " Thou Shalt Not ask for directions"

And why would anyone make that kind of commandment? Good question.

Let me tell you a story.

Once upon a time, a long long time ago the Lord created Adam and Eve. Now, when Adam and Eve met they were both inquisitive and curious to know much more about each other. They start chatting and she asks him slyly if he has ever seen the awesome apple tree she heard God talking about. Now our Adam has also heard about the apple tree from the grapevine (the small thin tree Adam used to chat with before Eve came around) so he was very curious and asked Eve if she had seen it and knew where it was.

Eve casually said," Why, yes of course, I know where the tree is"
It was at this moment that Adam made the biggest mistake of his life.
He was so excited to hear about the much discussed tree he asked her for directions.
And we all know where it went after that.

Men have learnt from the mistakes committed by their ancestors.

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Wednesday, July 11, 2007


I dont know if it is just me but my life seems to have come to a standstill .Not that I am unhappy or upset but I seem to have lost all interest in most things I used to be very passionate about .Sports , music, socializing ..just dont feel like doing anything .

The only things I am still passionate about is family ,friends , books and bikes ..heh heh still dreaming of the time when I would be able to afford a Superbike .

Another thing I want to do is start working for myself . The inspiration for which is my wife who has already quit and a very close friend who is in the process of doing so ...the only part that i need to figure out is what do i want to do :) aah the sweet complications of life..

I think I am undergoing a mid life crisis the age of 31

Monday, July 09, 2007

Govt mulls Rs 500/year fee on every colour TV

Wow , here is another bombshell by the government to burden the already burdened common man. The most amazing fact is every one complains and grumbles but no one does anything .

Makes me wonder, till when can we take these taxes on whims and fancies of the government. Not that they do not get enough money from all the taxes we are already charged with ,but hey what the hell ...a few 1000 crores wont hurt ..right ?
Especially considering the fact that all this money just goes to finance the Rolls and the mercs and the farm houses of a select few.

With the multi 1000 crores scams, there isnt any money left in the budgets for pay for the salaries , improvement of the infrastructure , providing basic amenities to the common man ,education etc.

Poor poor little politicians , i bow to thee .If a fraction of the innovation these guys show in all these scams is applied to the work these ppl are elected for ......
and if wishes were horses ... :)


Monday, July 02, 2007

Found ..old ramblings

Thanks to Shubu (and the t-shirt guy) I found this looong lost and forgotten blog I started while was still in my twenties .Heh heh


Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Bangalore - Its getting better

ok , so finally after almost 8 months of my being in nimma bengaloru i see some signs of progress.The indira nagar flyover is nearing its opening for the frustrated bangaloreans ,who have been praying to all possible gods (for the past 4 years??? ) to see this .

The speed of development in India's silicon valley is infinitesmally slow compared to the world or even other cities in India for that matter .

But as the saying goes "slow and steady .....blah blah ",no race here steady either ;-).

Anyways , enuff cribbing ..this place has remarkably wonderful weather and that is the only reason why people dont really mind staying in this place.

This place reminds me so much of the Asterix and Obelix adventure - Mansions of Gods,where the romans plan to build condos surrounded by the forest and villages.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Ok …so I have been told that I should start blogging by a few of my friends, and also told that I some. I find the whole concept of blogging intriguing, irritating and interesting.

Interesting, because you find so many people sharing their points of view on topics. There are views on almost everything ranging from Abacus to Zilch.
The writing styles also differ from blog to blog, from sms style to narratory to persuasive to expository. It has experiences and fantasies all clubbed in under the same title.

Intriguing, because it opens a lot of doors related to the thought processes. So many thoughts, same and different at the same time. It is like going down the same path twice, once in a car the next time on a bike. The view is the same but the experience is different.
Freedom of expression at its best or is it?

Irritating, because there is no privacy of information. You might like it or not but if someone has to write something about you which you may be offended by or would not want anyone else to see or know, it’s there.

Some of the best blogs I have read are some which describe events and happenings in a way that you get what the writer wants to say but the identity of people involved is safe. It’s about the journey and not a biography of travelers.

I don’t know as yet if I will be able to tread the path I want to follow but ,I will surely try to.